Saturation And Degeneration.

4 min readDec 6, 2020

Mass communication has bend our minds into insanity, the informational saturations that resounds across modern society have driven up suicide and depression into deranged rates, we’ve found ourselves in such a manic and degenerated context that to not only thrive but to survive in it while trying to keep one’s calmness and moral judgment has become a futile task, its clear that the status quo cannot be maintained, and to this there have been some that propose to stop it, deaccelerate it, or abolish it all together, they argue that the contemporary state of things goes against the conditions natural to humanity, but is it natural for humanity to stop or even go back to past technological states? Can humans really go back to a time without technological saturation all together? Is not the human need and tendency for development and use of communication and technology just as relevant and essential to the human race as food and water is?, to that I think the answer is obvious, but once this realization rises a paradox does as well, how can be free ourselves from the torture and weight that modern saturation and mind degeneration supposes if not by eliminating the technologies that causes them in the first place?

By taking them and bending our minds even further, if this bending makes us hurt, if the forces it poses in our psyche are of such inevitability and strength then let it crush us, let it bend us until we break, only then will be free, let the existential fear settle in, let the darkest corners of our mind release themselves of their subjugation, only when we learn to adapt ourselves to the advantages of constant and total bombing of information are we going to progress, until we feel absolutely nothing, until it has made so much wounds we no longer feel its consequences, what some in our times may call lunacy will become the rule, the next state of humanity.

This is nothing new, time and time again has humanity adapted itself to new technologies and circumstances, in way its predecessors would have never thought of, and while on this instance the change may be of more scale, this proposal should not be surprising.

The annals of history

What will define the 20th and 21st century? Will it be the rise and fall of neoliberalism? American hegemony? Capitalist stagnation? when the peoples of the future look back at our times, will they see our culture? Our economy? the answer to me is clear, it will be our technology, on the last couple of decades the development of technology, computational and informatic technology to be specific, has become blatantly rampant and rapid, at rates that have never been seen before, and of this technologies one has arisen to be the most prevalent and important of all, the technologies of mass communication, be it because of its ease to be commodified, the natural wish of humans to talk and socialize, the already developed industries of similar niche that came before them, or any other reason, they have become the most profitable, relevant and influential industry to arise.

However, I doubt any of this will come as a surprise to anyone, its not a hidden fact when all current news, opinions, images, arguments and facts you know can be traced back in some way or another to some social media platform, nor is it hidden when you see the size and influence the corporations behind these digital platforms have. I wrote this not to say what everyone already knows, but to say what shall be done.

The body and mind under mass communication

Idk go figure, I am lazy

The mission of the degenerationist

Our objective and goals are clear, accelerate the development and use of the technologies of mass communication, accelerationist theory is already present and well know, and it already takes into account the accelerationism of technology, now we just need to reapply it to the specific sector of communication, boosting his effects on the human mind, we must oppose any regulation on the use and function social media can have, we must make sure they are well developed and they use extends to as much people as possible, campaigns of all kinds must we made to make sure society and its authorities support the movement either knowledgeful of it or not, accordingly to opportunity and necessity, everything and anything to make sure our goal is achieved.












